From the course: Video Gear: Support & Grip

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What is a tripod top slider?

What is a tripod top slider?

Hey there. I'm Robbie Corman. >> And I'm Rich Harrington. >> And Rich, this week we want to talk about something I find that I use all the time, to be honest with you, and that is a tripod mounted slider. >> Yeah, it's a small, compact system that essentially turns your tripod into a slider, and it's designed to be easy to pack up, and able for one person to operate on their own. Now that's not to say that a full size slider, can't be operated by one person. >> Well, that's a, that's a good distinction, because there are of course, full size sliders that mount to a tripod. I guess I should have been a little more detailed with my description there, a compact-. >> Yes. >> Tripod slider. You'll find sliders, you know, in two, three, four foot increments, even bigger, but putting one of those on top of a tripod, well, that's pretty big, and when it comes to things like travel, breaking that down can be difficult. So, a system like this, which is nice…
