From the course: Video Gear: Support & Grip

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What is a jib?

What is a jib?

- Rob, we've got a jib here, and before we build it out, I think we should really just sort of walk people through what it's useful for. - Yeah, a jib is really useful for getting the camera up high. Jibs come in a lot of different flavors, styles, and of course that also means they come in (laughs) a lot of different price ranges. - Yeah. - You know, you go from the relatively affordable to the crazy motorized, you know, 30 foot long jib that requires an army to run. And those are obviously gonna be quite a bit more expensive. - But a lot of times, you could rent those. We actually used a really long jib on a starting line for the Tour De Cure. We worked on a public service announcement for the American Diabetes Association, and in this case, we used a jib to just get a fantastic shot of the race starting, so we did have to get quite high, but that was a specialty item. It came with it's own operator and a second person. That was something you hire for the day but I wanted a jib that…
