コース: Video Gear: Lighting



Using a projector to create custom backdrops

Using a projector to create custom backdrops

- Now Rich, we just talked about using an overhead projector. - Yeah. - I just kind of wanted to go harking back to your era of technology. - Oh yes, death by powerpoint. - But nowadays, a better option in my mind, besides the overhead projector, is well, a projector. We can find business class projectors like this at the local big box electronic store for relatively affordable prices. You can even find pico projectors, those small projectors that are about the same size as a cell phone to use for this purpose. Now Rich, how would I actually go about using a projector like this to kind of project something onto a wall or a screen or something like that? - Well it's pretty straight forward. You need to get this thing connected to a computer. What you're going to do is find a projector that works with your computer system. I picked a projector that has HDMI, so it's really easy to connect to display port or an HDMI port, so I don't have to get in lots of adapters. Once you've got that…
