From the course: Video Gear: Support & Grip

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Using a pop-up system

Using a pop-up system

- Now, to you at home, it might look like Rich and I are about to engage in mortal combat with some weapons here, but we're not. This is actually a pretty neat backdrop system, and it's called the X-Drop by Westcott. And Rich, tell us how this sets up. - Well, essentially, it's a self-contained system. A lot like a tripod, simply opens up, and then these legs pop out, and at the bottom of each of these are hooks, and these are designed to basically hold the backdrop into place. So, you just open that up, take that down, and then it's pretty self-explanatory, if you look at this here. Let's just take that over your head and turn. There is a back leg, and then these go towards the front and sort of open up. Now, you've got the rest of the pieces there. It's pretty simple, you just put the three pieces in and we take them to the top. - Cool. So, one... - And they rotate and click in. - and three. - Yep, and now we just need to extend these. And you see, it gets pretty tall. Why don't you…
