From the course: Video Gear: Support & Grip

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Using a low profile tripod

Using a low profile tripod

- Now many of the tripods that are out there have the ability to have a spreader. In fact, if you look, a lot of them go really low profile. This one has the ability to open its legs and basically lay flat. Now, with the screw down here we can't go all the way to the ground, but we can get within inches. - Right and in a situation where you might not want to transfer a ball head like this to a hi-hat or a similar device, you want to keep things on the tripod. Some tripod systems will let you actually remove the spreader legs so you can go perfectly flat or as close to it as possible. And, you know, earlier we were talking about this tripod and I said I wouldn't trust this for a large camera. Well, a situation like this where I have a full size tripod with a, you know, a 75 millimeter or 100 millimeter ball head on it, yeah I'm going to trust that and having the ability to go perfectly flat or as close to it with a larger camera set up like that, I definitely trust that over a smaller…
