From the course: Video Gear: Technical Tips

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Using a battery pack

Using a battery pack

Now, Rich when it comes to powering cameras and other devices, of course there's built in batteries. There's lots of different ways to charge them. You know plug in the wall charger, things of that nature. But a lot of companies have gotten into the business of power in giving you alternative ways to charge. And if you've ever used a tablet or an iPhone or something like that, you might be familiar with a device like this. >> Yeah. It's simply designed to allow you to plug in one of those USB charging devices. >> Yep. >> It's got two ports and it holds a lot of charge. I'm surprised with these. And lots of different manufacturers are out there. >> Lots of them. >> I've got one that will actually run my MacBook Pro for almost eight hours of use. It’s about four times bigger than. >> Well, right, but I mean I use these all the time for travel. Especially when I’m not sure when the next time I can get my computer or when the next time I can get to a…
