From the course: Video Gear: Technical Tips

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Studio lighting for green-screen projects

Studio lighting for green-screen projects

From the course: Video Gear: Technical Tips

Studio lighting for green-screen projects

- So Rich, we've talked about a permanent green screen installation with the hard site here behind us at the Media Factory Studios where we are in Washington D.C., but I'm also wondering about lighting. When you think about green screen lighting it's, well, pretty important. - Yeah. - So the thing that's always kind of driven me a little bit crazy is when I walk into a studio and there's movable lighting, and almost by definition movable lighting that's on the ground, on the c-stand or something like that is hard to get consistency out of from day to day. Would you agree? - Absolutely. One of the things we're trying to do this studio space is make it consistent so if people have to come back and shoot or do multiple green screen projects ideally, even if they shoot on different days, they should be able to get the same settings working across the jobs. Now, this is of course never perfect, but the more we can make it lock down the better. So we've started hanging a grid here. The…
