From the course: Video Gear: Technical Tips

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Strategies to extend battery life

Strategies to extend battery life

From the course: Video Gear: Technical Tips

Strategies to extend battery life

We just wanted to give you four pieces of quick advice that lets you get longer battery life, particularly when you're dealing with outdoor shoots. And one of those, which is something we've been experiencing a lot this winter, is cold weather. >> Oh yeah, it's been horrible this winter. How cold it's been. How snowy it's been. I'm jealous of any of you out there who are sitting on the beach, you know. Hanging loose and surfing, you know? Surfing and enjoying the Sun. >> Yeah. >> But, the thing about cold weather, when it comes to batteries, is that cold weather saps the juice out of batteries. You'll find that, in extreme cold weather, your batteries last for a fraction of the amount of time that they're normally rated for. So, in those situations, you want to try to keep your batteries warm. And, there's a couple obvious ways to do that. First, keep your batteries in a relatively warm place when you're not using them. Inside the car with the heater on, or something…
