From the course: Video Gear: Lighting

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Small lights

Small lights

- Hi, my name's Rich Harrington. Welcome to this episode of Video Gear Weekly. We're joined by guest Jim Ball who's a Director or Photography. Jim, how you doing? - Good, thanks. - And this week we've got some small LED lights. We've taken a look at professional lighting before with LED lights. These are much tinier and I think there's some benefits to having some extra tiny lights in your kit. What are some of the reasons why you use small lights like this? - Well, you just never know where there's going to be a use for something tucked away in a place you can't get a traditional bigger light. And sometimes you actually want to have something right on the camera. Especially if you're working alone and you're moving around a lot. Sometimes the best choice is to put it right on the camera. - So lots of reasons here. We've got lights ranging from $50 lights to several hundred dollars, but we're going to walk you through some of these options and the pros and cons of the different form…
