From the course: DSLR Video Tips: Cameras & Lenses

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Pocket Cinema Camera workflow

Pocket Cinema Camera workflow

Rich Harrington: All right, we're just about ready to shoot. We've brought Jason Massey back on set. Jason's been a very talented musician that we've been featuring throughout the show, and he's been recording a music video with us. And we're just about ready to roll. We've actually got three of the Black Magic pocket cameras set up. Rob, what have you got there? Robbie Carman: Well, I've got a little Black Magic pocket camera, obviously. I have an Olympus 75 mil lens on it now. One of the things that we didn't actually talk about when we were talking about the pocket camera earlier, is it actually has a pretty severe crop factor. Now, on this camera, I have an Olympus 75 mm micro 4 3rds lens, right, which all sounds good 75 mm nice for portrait. Guess what. It's not 75 mil on this camera. What's the crop factor on this camera? Rich Harrington: According to the interweb? Robbie Carman: Yes. Rich Harrington: 3.02. Robbie Carman: Whoa. Rich Harrington: I don't know what the 0.02, why…
