From the course: Video Gear: Technical Tips

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Manipulating LUTs with Lattice

Manipulating LUTs with Lattice

From the course: Video Gear: Technical Tips

Manipulating LUTs with Lattice

- Now Rich LUTs to a lot of people are kind of this weird mathematical black box enigma type thing that you know they do something right? - Right. - And you know that people use them for all sorts of purposes-- - But only some people can look at the Matrix code and see things. - Exactly and some people use them for you know converting footage from log to Rec. 709, other people are using them for creative purposes, other people still use them for things like monitor calibration. And LUTs can serve all those purposes, but one of my biggest problems when I teach about LUTs is people go, okay yeah I kind of get that in concept, but what does a LUT look like? And that's always been something that's been extremely difficult for me to explain. - Now we have the ability of course with programs like Microsoft Excel to take a bunch of data and turn it into a pie chart - Sure. - or bar graph and we visualize that data, but we've never really done that with a LUT. But the folks at Lattice have…
