From the course: Video Gear: Technical Tips

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Making killer backgrounds for green screen

Making killer backgrounds for green screen

From the course: Video Gear: Technical Tips

Making killer backgrounds for green screen

- Hey there. I'm Robbie Carman. - And I'm Rich Harrington. - And welcome back to another week of Video Gear Weekly. And Rich, this week, we're talking about background plates. Now, to be clear, what is a plate? - Well, a plate is really an empty shot that you can use in a chroma key project, or for a motion graphics project. But the idea with the plate is that you typically have a locked-off shot that's gonna give you an interesting backdrop. And we've been taking a detailed look at chroma keying. - We have. - And what's necessary is that you have something to put back there. So I'm gonna share with you some different shooting techniques, Rob, that I like to use that are really pretty easy. - Yeah, and we can do this digitally. But I think that you're right. I think I like the practical background plates where it's an actual video shot rather than motion graphics or some animated background, and we have a couple of different ways this week. We wanna show you how to do that.
