From the course: Video Gear: Support & Grip

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Major benefits of a gimbal

Major benefits of a gimbal

- Now Rich, I have a Gimbal unit here. and we'll dive into the details of this one in just a bit. But in your opinion, what are the main benefits of using a Gimbal versus another type of rig system? - Well it really just comes down to better handheld movement. So Rob, as you're moving that around now, and it's not powered on, you see there's a lot of shake, right? - Yeah, camera's moving all over the place, it's lopsided, it's doing all sorts of weird things. - Power that on. - Okay. Oh look at that, it auto corrected itself and went straight. - Now, this doesn't do it out of the box. Gimbals usually need some level of balancing. Some Gimbals will auto balance when you power them on. Others, it's a matter of some physical effort to get the camera level first, and then the power just provides stability. But the major benefit here, Rob, move that camera around. - Right, so this is a two-axis Gimbal, so you can see, as I tilt down or I tilt up, the camera stays relatively straight. And…
