From the course: Video Gear: Support & Grip

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Evaluating the results

Evaluating the results

Now Rich, when we were out in the field, you saw how giddy I was by the CamRanger system. >> Mm-hm. >> Especially the new head that's out that allows me to remote control the camera and pan and tilt and rotate. I was just thrilled by it. I don't know what kind. >> But you didn't. >> Rob was so thrilled that he literally took out his phone and ordered one from the set. >> I, I just thought it was the coolest thing. I mean, I know there's lots of systems out there like that. But for the bang for the buck, and we talked about, you know, a couple hundred bucks for this thing, I thought it was brilliant. I mean, I see a lot of uses for this, from every, everything from, kind of, you know, up high as we will take a look at some footage here in just a moment, from down low getting 360 views, I just thought it was a really neat system, and I was really impressed by the CamRanger app, I thought that was really cool, being able to control that. >> Yeah…
