From the course: Video Gear: Technical Tips

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Evaluating the keying footage from a Canon camera

Evaluating the keying footage from a Canon camera

From the course: Video Gear: Technical Tips

Evaluating the keying footage from a Canon camera

- Hi, my name's Rich Harrington. - And I'm Robbie Carman. - And welcome to this week's episode of Video Gear Weekly. Now Rob, we've been doin a lot of work with green screen, a ton of shooting, trying out different techniques. Some things we did right, some things maybe we did a little wrong. We did some things on purpose wrong. And I think it's time to take a look at the footage, right? - Yeah, I agree. We spent a lot of time talking about the backgrounds and how to set those up, whether hard cycs or portable backgrounds. We've talked about lighting the foreground or the background, and we've messed around with shooting the camera in various ways. But you're right, the proof isn't always going to be in the pudding, if you will. And we have a lot of different formats that we've taken a look at. And we're going to pull them in, and take a look at some of the compressed ones and the uncompressed ones, and do some keys in some various ways, and make some interpretations about that. So…
