From the course: Video Gear: Technical Tips

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Defocusing backgrounds in Photoshop CC

Defocusing backgrounds in Photoshop CC

From the course: Video Gear: Technical Tips

Defocusing backgrounds in Photoshop CC

- Alright Rob, you know my feelings about Photoshop. It's my first love when it comes to software. - I think you have already booked your Photoshop world trip for the next ten years in a row. Yeah, absolutely. - Yes, I love Photoshop, and I love what I can do with focus in Photoshop. So, you mentioned doing some stuff here. We already opened a still earlier, but a lot of people don't realize you can actually bring video files into Photoshop. That easy, just drag it on there and it's going to open it up. - Yeah, of course, and this is kind of one of those hidden things that's not so hidden to users like you who know about Photoshop, but I think it will surprise a lot of editors and camera people. But, yes, you can in fact work with video in Photoshop. So you know Rich, one of the things that I've been playing a lot with in Photoshop is the blur gallery. For me anyway, it's given me a lot of creative inspiration about how to selectively blur a background plate out and blur shots so I…
