From the course: DSLR Video Tips: Cameras & Lenses

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Cinema Camera RAW workflow

Cinema Camera RAW workflow

Now I think as you see here the camera's very versatile. It's really going to be a matter of what you want to shoot with. I would love to see a raw file that came off this camera. Do you have one handy? >> Yeah I do. So down here at the end of my sequence here, here is a shot that we shot of, of Jason outside. Yeah, a cou, actually a couple of shots. Here's him against some brick and then I have him, out against sort of, you know, an overcast bright sky. >> Yeah. >> And this is a case where raw is going to help us. Now these images look okay, but I want to be clear about one thing, Rich. That we're in here inside of Adobe Premier Pro 7.1. It's the, sort of the latest and greatest update to Premier Pro in the creative cloud. >> At the time we're recording. >> At the time we're recording right here. And it's actually kind of just preliminary cinema DNG support. >> It works. >> It works. >> You can import it with the media browser and it…
