From the course: Video Gear: Technical Tips

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Calibrate with X-Rite i1Profiler

Calibrate with X-Rite i1Profiler

From the course: Video Gear: Technical Tips

Calibrate with X-Rite i1Profiler

- All right Rich, I'm getting excited because now finally, I get to show you how to do a hardware calibration. - Yes, yes. He loves the hardware calibration. - Now I want to make one point really clear, is that there are different components, it's the hardware that we just covered, but there's different software that you can use. I'm gonna show sort of the bundled sort of application with this i1 Pro Spectrophotometer. - Dan, give me a ballpark price. - This is about a thousand dollars and it comes with the software necessary to calibrate your computer monitor. There are other tools out there, again, from companies like Light Illusion and SpectraCal and there are various other third parties that are making calibration software, but that's a really important point. The meter, the hardware, talks to that software that then generates, as we talked when we began this week, generates things like ICC Profiles, or lots of that kind of stuff. So, what I went ahead and done, is I've plugged in…
