From the course: D3.js Essential Training for Data Scientists

Welcome - D3.js Tutorial

From the course: D3.js Essential Training for Data Scientists

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- D3.js is a JavaScript library that lets you visualize data in a web browser with just a few lines of code. With D3 you're no longer confined to standard charts, such as bar charts, area charts, and line charts. You can build maps and network diagrams with D3, as well as histograms, scatter plots, or force-directed simulations, or you could create a completely new kind of graphic. I'm Emma Saunders, and I'm a freelance data consultant who specializes in data visualization. In this course, I'll introduce you to the basics of working with D3, and then I'll show you how to start small by building a line chart. Then we'll take a look at how to create shapes, and we'll explore how to connect a data source to our visualization. Then we'll have a look at some more advanced graphics, and we'll add some interactivity as well. I'll take you step-by-step through building up some visualizations so you can get going with your own projects. So let's get started.
