From the course: Type Tips

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Using type in Illustrator for the iPad

Using type in Illustrator for the iPad

From the course: Type Tips

Using type in Illustrator for the iPad

- [Instructor] Hi, I'm Nigel French. Welcome to Type Tips. Recently, I've been experimenting with the new product Illustrator for iPad. By the time you view this Illustrator for iPad will be available. So if you have a Creative Cloud subscription I highly recommend you check it out. Also by the time you view this, I should have a course in the training library called Illustrator for iPad Typography. I just wanted to give you a glimpse of the kind of thing that is possible using Illustrator for iPad. I going to create a new document. I'll choose my type tool and just click all my art board to create a piece of point type. This is going to be filled with some placeholder text. I'll just double tap on that and replace it with my own text. Come back to my selection tool and I can scale this up. Let's now come to my properties panel and to the font. When I click on the existing font, I get a list of available fonts down…
