From the course: Type Tips

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Using perspective distort in Illustrator

Using perspective distort in Illustrator

From the course: Type Tips

Using perspective distort in Illustrator

- [Nigel] Welcome to Type Tips, I'm Nigel French. This week I'm in Illustrator and we have this mini project to recreate the deceptively simple type treatment that we see on the left, which uses Perspective Distortion and Make with Mesh. I start out with four words and each word is fully justified. When we look at the word high, because it has an I, which is narrower than the other characters, the spacing between the words looks larger than the others. I'm going to compensate for that by coming to my Character panel, Command or Control + T. If you don't see these options, choose Show Options. And the one I'm interested in is the horizontal scale. I'm going to increase that to 110%. Of course, I now have non-proportionally scaled type, but given what I'm about to do that's not really something I'm worried about. Next, I'm going to create a grid that will inform how much I scale down the smaller side of the word. So let me…
