From the course: Type Tips

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Fixing kerning pairs with a GREP style

Fixing kerning pairs with a GREP style

From the course: Type Tips

Fixing kerning pairs with a GREP style

- [Nigel] Welcome to "Type Tips." I'm Nigel French. Have you ever been working with a typeface family that you really like except for certain letter pairs, where the spacing just doesn't look right? Of course, you can fix this with manual kerning, but if it's a long document and the letter pairs in question occur multiple times, that's going to be tedious, and you're also likely to miss some. We can use a GREP style to fix the problem. In this example, I'm using a typeface called Mrs. Eaves, which I really like, but I feel there is too much space around the apostrophes, and there are numerous apostrophes that occur in this document, and on this page, we have one example right here and another one right here. Now, this may seem like a small thing, but it is these small things that make all the difference. So I want to create a GREP style that will adjust the spacing either side of my apostrophes. First of all, I need to…
