From the course: Painting Foundations: Creating Palettes for the Landscape

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A winter snow scene: Painting the darks

A winter snow scene: Painting the darks

- So for our winter painting, I wanted to incorporate all of the principles and techniques we've looked at so far. Warm and cool colors, a neutral gray base, a soft diffused sky, and a magical quality. The fine dark lines and the shapes of winter all sitting within a smoky and smooth background. The base pigments I'll be using are neutral four, six and eight, titanium white, burnt umber, ultramarine blue, and I'll also be using some acrylic glazing liquid glass later on in the painting. I'll also be adding a smaller detail brush and the stiffer hog hair filbert brush. But first, I'm going to talk through how I decided on the tonal ground color for the painting. When I'm deciding any tonal grounds, I'm always thinking about what color will best convey the mood. So for this scene, it was a choice between blue hues or neutral gray hues. And I decided to go with one of the neutral grays. So just have a look at the different ones. This is the six. Starts to go a little bit dark. And the…
