From the course: Learning How to Increase Learner Engagement

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- One of the keys to actively involving students in the learning process is to create activities in which they must think about and manipulate the ideas and concepts beings discussed. Combining physical activity with cognitive activity is a great way to foster learning. One way to do this is to employ several variations of the Think-Pair-Share process. The basic idea is simple. First, give the learners a question, a diagram to draw, or an activity around a certain topic. Give the learners something to think about. Then divide the students into groups of two. This is the paring part. And then ask them to share their thinking, answers, drawings, or ideas with fellow classmates. One variation of this exercise is to divide the students into groups of two and give each students slightly different subjects to talk about. In an English class, for example, you might give one student a prompt, such as "What was the main struggle in the novel Moby Dick?" And then give the other student a…
