From the course: Learning How to Increase Learner Engagement

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Blogs, wikis, and collaborative work

Blogs, wikis, and collaborative work

- One way to vest learners in their work is to provide them an audience outside the classroom that can witness and comment on their work. One easy and economical way to encourage individuals outside the classroom to view student work is to place the work in a blog or a wiki which is available on the Internet. I understand that in a corporate setting that might not be possible. But often, a corporate intranet can serve as the place where learners can gain feedback from their work from people outside the classroom. So it is possible. When you hear the examples I explain think of how this can be done in your organization. Let's go back to college students, for a moment. In my experience, college students are looking for validation of their work. And when a person from the field comments on what they've created it can be quite inspiring. I discovered this by accident one semester. I assigned students to write a blog post about the experiences they were having in a 3D virtual world. I'm…
