From the course: Civil 3D: Basic Roadway Design

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From the course: Civil 3D: Basic Roadway Design

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(melodic tunes) - [Voiceover] Hello, I'm Eric Chappell. And welcome to basic roadway design with Civil 3D. When it comes to designing roads, Civil 3D is one of the most recognized and widely used products you'll encounter. And one that you'll definitely want to learn if you work or plan to work in the civil engineering field. In this course, you'll learn the basics of designing roads using the powerful corridor functionality in Civil 3D. I'll start by showing you how to use alignments to establish the path of your road. Then show you how to use profiles to define the elevations. Next, you'll see how to use subassemblies and assemblies to define the make up of the road, and establish its cross-sectional design. And finally, you'll learn how to combine all three of these elements, alignment, profile, and assembly to create the 3D model that represents your road design, a corridor. We'll be covering all of these features plus plenty of other tools and techniques. After completing this course, you'll be on your way to designing your own roads using the powerful tools of Civil 3D. Now, let's get started with basic roadway design with Civil 3D.
