From the course: Photography 101

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White balance options

White balance options

- White balance is a critical part of getting a photo that looks accurate and true, and by accurate and true, I mean that the colors of the scene look the way they did in real life. Having an incorrect white balance can really throw things off and make your scene look either too warm, which would be, kind of a yellowish, orangeish look, or too cold, leaning towards blues and purple. Definitely not where you want to go, especially if you're photographing people. Having an incorrect white balance can look absolutely terrible. Now the good news is, is that auto white balance in today's camera, pretty much always get it. It's incredible how good it is. So, for the most part, leaving your camera in auto white balance is perfectly fine. However you will find in all cameras that you do have the ability to switch between auto to manual modes, and you can choose between daylight, overcast, and a variety of other things. And we'll take a look at those in just a moment. You also have the ability…
