From the course: Exploring Photography: Finding the Perfect Portrait Lens

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Shallow Depth of Field: Open Shade

Shallow Depth of Field: Open Shade

All right, here we are in another environment and we're going to talk about capturing portraits in open shade. Open shade is some of my favorite type of light. It's really even and it gives you some flexibility to move around. And when it comes to shading with a shallow depth of field, you can create some great images in open shading and also it's a great place to practice. As we've seen, when you use a shallow depth of field you can create a really unique and beautiful look in your portraits. So why is it that more people don't use a shallow depth of field? Well, that's because it's risky, you increase the risk that you're going to miss your focus and so what I recommend you do, is go into open shade and get a friend and capture a few portraits, and that's what I'm going to do here. I want to start off by capturing a portrait from a distance and in this case I'm about 8 or 10 feet away and I'll capture the first frame. I have an 85 millimeter focal length lens, and I'll shoot at…
