From the course: Photography 101

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Metering modes

Metering modes

- Your camera's exposure meter is what the camera uses to determine what the exposure should be, what should the aperture, shutter speed, and ISO be to balance out to give you a proper exposure. You can control what mode the camera uses, and pretty much all cameras have three different modes: a multi mode, which might be called matrix as well, depending on your manufacturer, a center-weighted mode, and then a spot mode. The multi mode is the most advanced, and this basically allows the camera to look at the entire scene, and that scene might be broken down into a few or a few dozen different zones, meter them all independently, and then decide what the exposure should be. It's not a simple average, it's a lot more advanced than that. It will automatically identify things like really bright spots and really dark spots and probably not include those in the average, and then look at the most common areas of the scene and figure out from there what the exposure should be. It may even…
