From the course: Landscape Photography: Telephoto Lenses

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Impressionism in images with movement in telephoto

Impressionism in images with movement in telephoto

From the course: Landscape Photography: Telephoto Lenses

Impressionism in images with movement in telephoto

- There's a technique with photography called ICM, and that stands for intentional camera movement. The essential technique involves having a telephoto lens and a scene that is usually flowing in one direction, either vertical, most often trees, or horizontal, often waves. And what you do is have a longer shutter speed and you actually move the camera during the exposure. I was able to do it on my course on the coast of New Zealand, and I'd like to share the image. So we're looking at a wave, and with a telephoto lens, and the movement from left to right, and kind of this back and forth movement, I'm able to get motion and streaks within the waves. But doing so, I still hold the natural form, so you have an idea of what you're looking at, but through the movement I was able to accentuate the pink of the sunset into the waves here. So it's a wonderfully creative and interesting technique, and it's a really fun thing to experiment with in the field. So definitely check out that course…
