From the course: Running a Photography Business: Pricing Your Work

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Equipment, space, and vendors

Equipment, space, and vendors

- [Instructor] Next let's talk about office equipment. You've got to remember all the things that you're spending money on. Every single thing that you spend money on to build your business and get it started becomes part of your bottom line cost. You've got the furniture in your office, you've got your main computer, you may have printers, you may have a scanner that you want to use and keep there, you may have a projector. One of the great things about sharing images with your clients can often be projecting those images when they come in to review some of the work. So a projector becomes part of it. And then one that nobody ever remembers anymore is the fact that you had to buy a phone. Whether it's a landline or your cellphone, phone's become part of the office equipment that are necessary to running your business. Then you've got the expense you're going to be spending which is going to be ongoing in terms of all the work you do with your vendors. I highly recommend that all of…
