From the course: Photography 101

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Changing ISO

Changing ISO

- For the next shot, we're going to play with changing the ISO to get the shot that we want. So you might be thinking, why would we need to change the ISO, we're out in full daylight here, you can shoot at 100, 200, something like that, you'll be fine. Well, here's the thing. I want to get a specific type of shot that's going to basically really limit the amount of light that's coming to the sensor, so I will need to increase the ISO to make that work. So here's what I want to do. I want to have a very fast shutter speed to start. A very fast shutter speed will freeze her hair that's flying around in the wind, but it also means that the light hitting the sensor is going to hit it for a very, very short amount of time. So I've got that working against me. Next, I want a very large depth of field. Large depth of field means I have to stop the aperture way down. By stopping it way down, I am really restricting the amount of light coming in, so I'm bringing very little light and bringing…
