From the course: Exploring Photography: Finding the Perfect Portrait Lens

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Capturing a full-length portrait with a wide-angle lens

Capturing a full-length portrait with a wide-angle lens

From the course: Exploring Photography: Finding the Perfect Portrait Lens

Capturing a full-length portrait with a wide-angle lens

In our pursuit to find the perfect portrait lens, we've been taking a look at lenses piece by piece. In the previous chapter we talked about focal length. In this chapter we'll layer on top of that, this idea of camera angle. We'll start off by working with a wide angle lens, and we'll explore how we can create a full length portrait. Now a lot of times in the studio people work with tripods. But what I find happens with tripods, is that it becomes difficult to change your camera angle or your camera height. So what I recommend you do is take your camera off your tripod, get it out of the way. And then go ahead and start to shoot some images and change the camera angle. Again, we want to create a full length portrait. We're working with Vlen here. And the first image that we're going to create is one from above. Now this isn't a good idea. And you'll see why in just a second. Let me go ahead and capture this image. In this case I have a wide angle lens, I'm shooting high, down on the…
