From the course: Creating Web Icons with SVG

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A word on SVG accessibility

A word on SVG accessibility

- [Voiceover] Before we wrap up this chapter, I want to draw your attention to the issue of accessibility and SVG. Whenever we use images in the web page, we have to make sure that whatever message is contained within that image is transferred, even if the person accessing the page is not seeing that image. When we're using regular images, we can solve this by adding an Alt attribute to the image element. This is the text that will be read out by screen readers and other tools, and will be displayed if the image is not displayed. However, in our example, we are replacing the image element with an SVG element. And right now, that SVG element is not accessible. I can't show you exactly what happens because of the setup in my recording computer. But if you want to experience this for yourself, I urge you to go check out this application. It's called Chromebox, and you install it in the Chrome browser. This is a screen reader application that will actually read out everything that's on…
