From the course: CSS Shorts

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A glowing property

A glowing property - CSS Tutorial

From the course: CSS Shorts

A glowing property

- [Teacher] Hi, this is Chris Converse, and in this episode, we'll explore creating a glow effect for both text and HTML elements. This technique makes use of the shadow properties of CSS, and what's most interesting is that these effects can be compounded on top of one another, allowing us to create all kinds of lighting and shadow effects. Now we'll be using this technique to create a neon effect for the headline and the article element in this layout. And if you'd like to follow along, download the exercise files, and we'll begin by opening the index.html file in a text editor. And once you have the HTML file opened, let's also open this up in a browser so we can see the layout so far. And now in the browser, you'll see the article element here with the rounded corner box and you'll see "Open all night!" set here in an h1 tag, which we can see over here in the HTML, and this is using a Google font. Then we have an h2 tag, and our paragraph. And now before we begin working in the…
