From the course: CSS: Scrolling and Parallax

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Using transform properties

Using transform properties - CSS Tutorial

From the course: CSS: Scrolling and Parallax

Using transform properties

- [Instructor] Let's take a look at how we can use transformations in our project. So I want to show you how I structured these different elements. And then we'll work on applying some transformations. So other than the navigation here at the top, I have this section called header. And it has several parts. Most of the parts are there so that I can lay them out properly with Flexbox. So you'll see that inside here, I have this layout hero section. Inside that I have a class of header content here. And that has another div that has the actual pieces. So this has the header as well as the paragraph. And this allows me to center everything right here, center all this content. And then this header content and layout hero also allow me to make sure that everything fits within our structured layout. So if we take a look at this style sheet, what I have here is site header has a relative position. And that way I can have…
