From the course: Making Your Site Retina-Ready

Using the exercise files

- I wanted to take a minute to discuss the Exercise Files that come with this course just because there's a lot in there. If I open the Exercise Files folder you'll see that I've broken it down into the different sections that we're going to talk about. Now there's no 01 section because we're going to be talking about the different methods. We're going to be using the website essentially, the tools, et cetera. As we get to each section you can go within that folder and you'll find that each video that necessitates a file, like an HTML file, will have a folder. Now as I go through this course, I'm actually opening up each one of these separately. They're not necessarily building on each other so each one is kind of its own little animal because there's different ways to do things. For instance with IconFonts in the beginning here we talk about adding the icon fonts but later on they're already added. They're already there. You can just go to each folder and start to work. I've also included the website itself here called INTRO in case you don't have an internet connection so I've referenced the website quite often. But you can open this if you want to, to see pretty much the same thing. Then I have a lot of the code that I talk about right here. This is actually inside of each folder separately but I put it here just maybe as a faster reference if you want to grab it. And then I have a folder of originals and these are just original things that I started with. You can kind of play with them and mess with them and make different things with them if you want to. So the Exercise Files are relatively straightforward. We're going to require some kind of editor. A lot of times what I wind up using is Sublime Text which is a great tool for editing. As you can see right here, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, et cetera and a web browser and an internet connection is going to be pretty useful in this course. But you can get away with it for the most part. So these are the Exercise Files for the HiDPI course.
