From the course: CSS: Float-Based Page Layouts (2012)

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Using CSS Resets

Using CSS Resets

In many cases, how you structure and write your CSS will be determined by your personal design philosophy. Nowhere is this more true than whether or not you're going to use a CSS Reset, and if you do use them, what type of Reset that you are going to use. Now if you are not familiar with them, CSS Reset is a term that's used to describe a collection of styles that are designed to neutralize a portion of a browser's default styling. Now they come in a wide variety, with varying degrees of complexity and functionality. Let's take a look at some of the practical applications for using CSS Resets, and after that I am going to leave you with some additional resources; that way you can learn a little more about them. So I have the Reset.htm file open and you can find that in 01_08 directory, and I am just going to create a simple little CSS Reset. Now just to show you kind of what it is that we are going to be going, if I were preview this page in the browser right now, I can see that…
