From the course: Design the Web: Graphics and CSS Pseudo-Elements

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Restyling an unordered list

Restyling an unordered list

Now we're going to restyle that unordered list, by combining both display property settings, inside of CSS and using pseudo elements. If we scroll down our HTML page we'll see that this unordered list shows up here after our H1 and paragraph tabs, inside of the unordered list we have list items, and inside of there we have just an anchor link inside of each one. So, what we're going to do is redefining, the unordered list element in here. So, let's come up in this CSS area, insert return. Let's type dot page space UL. Begin another bracket. Let's start by defining the margin here as zero and then, the padding as zero as well. Immediately you'll see that now the bullets will go outside of the content area, this won't be consistent in all browsers since some browsers actually assign padding and margins to the list items as well. Next line. What's that another CSS property? Dot pages space L I. Now we're going to target each one of the list items. So, the first thing we're going to do is…
