From the course: CSS: Refactoring Style Sheets

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Refactoring using a task runner: Gulp

Refactoring using a task runner: Gulp - CSS Tutorial

From the course: CSS: Refactoring Style Sheets

Refactoring using a task runner: Gulp

- [Instructor] The tools we've used to simplify and automate CSS Refactorings, stylelint, and prettier are both command line tools, and that means they can be used with other command line tools including test runners like gulp, and webpack, and NPM Scripts. In this chapter, I'll show you how to set up a basic gulp process, which includes styleint, with our current configuration, as well as some other useful tools. I want to emphasize this is a basic example. Once you have these tools set up and running, you can configure them to do more things, and include them in more complex task runner processes. In the exercise files for this movie, I've included some files you can add to any project folder to get started. They are a package.json file that contains our current dependencies that we've covered previously, including stylelint and prettier, as well as some new dependencies. Babel-core, and settings for babel, browser-sync, gulp, and a bunch of features for gulp, and then finally, this…
