From the course: CSS Shorts

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Mixin' it up with LESS

Mixin' it up with LESS - CSS Tutorial

From the course: CSS Shorts

Mixin' it up with LESS

- [Chris] Hi, this is Chris Converse, and in this episode we'll take a look at creating our own mixin in LESS. Mixins work a lot like functions in other languages like JavaScript and PHP, and many others. They allow us to define some CSS properties and reuse and customize those properties for any number of other CSS rules in our document. Now if you'd like to follow along with me, download the exercise files, and make sure to have the compiling tool running as well. So your LESS file will be converted into CSS. And once you've extracted the exercise files, you'll see a style.less file. You'll also see a style.css file. It's this style, that CSS file, that the LESS file will be compiled into. There's an index.html file. An images folder with a banner.jpg graphic. And in my particular case, I have a code kit file. Code kit is the compiling software that I'll be using to convert my LESS files into CSS. So you will not have this file in your exercise files. So to begin our project, let's…
