From the course: Making Your Site Retina-Ready

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Just use the HiDPI image (scaled)

Just use the HiDPI image (scaled)

From the course: Making Your Site Retina-Ready

Just use the HiDPI image (scaled)

- In previous sections of this lesson, we've been going through and talking about icon fonts, and SVG, and favicons, and every way possible to make it not to have to use raster images. Well now, we're gonna cross that threshold. We have to use raster images at times, and one of the sneakiest and potentially easiest methods for creating HiDPI images is the simplest. Instead of making a bunch of images, a lot of times if we have a retina display, what we'll do is we'll create a retina version of an image, and we'll also create a non-retina version. Usually the retina is double the pixel density, if you will. And it, you know, they wind up being the same size. The retina looks awesome, the regular looks fine and good, and you know, we move on. But what we can do instead is, we can actually go through and take a single image as a retina image and simply scale it, and compress the, a lot, compress it a lot. And in this video, we're gonna take an image I've already created and show you this…
