From the course: CSS Shorts

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Hover in a hover

Hover in a hover - CSS Tutorial

From the course: CSS Shorts

Hover in a hover

- Hi, this is Chris Converse and in this episode, we'll add a little extra interactivity to our hyperlinks by adding a second nested hover state. This technique can add a little extra information or interest for people who are exploring your webpage with a mouse or a trackpad. Without changing the behavior of these links on touch devices. So if you'd like to follow along with me, download the exercise files and let's begin by opening the index.html file in a text editor. And then once you have your index file opened up in a text editor, we can see inside of here we have a main element, and then inside the main element we have three anchor links. Each anchor tag has a class of landmark, and inside of the anchor tag we have an image that points to the landmark JPEG file, and then we have a span that has the name of the landmark, and then in an emphasis tag, the location of that landmark in the city. And we have the same markup for each one of the anchor links and before we continue I'll…
