From the course: CSS: Scrolling and Parallax

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Display and flexbox

Display and flexbox

- [Narrator] In order to create our header, we're going to use a loud display property called flex. Now, this is an extremely rich display property, as you can see in the Bootstrap documentation, there are literally dozens of different classes that you can use for this section. So what I'm going to do is start off with the content at this URL. And I'm just going to copy this. And then I'll switch back into our project and start laying out our header. And I'll show you what the different Bootstrap classes are. So I'm going to piece this right here. And I'll start off by creating a header tag. And I'll move this content in here. Then in our header, we're going to add an ID. And this ID is going to say page hero. And the reason I'm doing this is because when I click on my brand, I want it to link to this ID called page hero, which is right here. So in addition to that, our header is going to have a class that…
