From the course: Creating Web Media

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Create customizable graphics with CSS

Create customizable graphics with CSS - CSS Tutorial

From the course: Creating Web Media

Create customizable graphics with CSS

- [Instructor] Hi, this is Chris Converse, and in this episode we'll combining CSS and images, in order to customize the graphic for our content. We'll be positioning styling variations of a map graphic, in order to highlight different cities around the world. The advantage of this approach is that we can create any number of variations, allowing us to keep a consistent style for future content. So if you'd like to follow along with me, download the exercise files. And let's begin by opening index.html in a text editor. Now, inside the HTML file, up in the head area, we have the link to style.css, which we'll be working in in a few minutes. Inside the body area, we have an h1 tag, and then we have three section elements. Inside each section element we have a figure element, an h3 element, and a paragraph element. It's these figure elements that we're going to transform into customized graphics to represent the location of each city. Now, to preview the layout we're going to working…
