From the course: CSS: Float-Based Page Layouts (2012)

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Controlling element display

Controlling element display - CSS Tutorial

From the course: CSS: Float-Based Page Layouts (2012)

Controlling element display

The display property is by far one of my favorite CSS properties. Now when I first learned about it, I remember thinking to myself, "There is no way you can really do that, can you?" So what does it allow you to do? Well, the display property allows you to change how an element displays within the browsers. Block-level elements can become inline. A div tag can display as a table cell, or you can even tell elements to not display at all. As I'm sure you can imagine, controlling how an element displays within the browser is one of the most powerful CSS capabilities a designer has when creating page layouts. It's also surprisingly simple to do. So what I have right here is I've got the page that we are going to be working on, I've got it previewed within one of my browsers. And I did that because I wanted to show you what the possible values for the display property are, and talk about them a little bit. So, this little group of values right here are the options that we have when setting…
