From the course: CSS: Float-Based Page Layouts (2012)

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Box model review

Box model review

Before we start exploring the individual techniques of page layout, I want to begin with a general overview of CSS page-layout concepts. At the core of almost all page-layout techniques is the box model, so that makes reviewing it a logical starting point. Before we get into that, however, I feel like I need to mention again that this course is a continuation of my CSSL Core Concepts course. That means that in this course we are going to be building on the material that covered in the CSS: Core Concepts course. There will be some repetition, designed to reinforce important concepts, but for the most part, if you're new to CSS and are starting with this title, I actually recommend that you go back and start with the Core Concepts title and then come back to this on when you finish. I had pretty much said the exact same thing in the Welcome movie, but I know that a lot of you guys skip those, so I wanted to mention it again here before got too far into the title. Okay, cool! Now the box…
