From the course: Cinema 4D Weekly

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Worfklow enhancers: selection object

Worfklow enhancers: selection object - CINEMA 4D Tutorial

From the course: Cinema 4D Weekly

Worfklow enhancers: selection object

- [Instructor] Hello and welcome to another Cinema 4D Weekly. This week, got a very handy workflow tip for you. And it's very handy when you ever have a big scene that you find yourself having to dig through hierarchies to select and reselect groups of objects over and over and over again. This becomes very laborious, very repetitive. Well, this week I'm going to show you something called a selection object. It actually allows you to store object selections so you can skip that repetitive selection process. So here I have a fairly big scene with a lot of objects in it. And let's just say, you know, I wanted to keep selecting, you know, a lot of these objects in here. Maybe these Xrefs, the headphones Xref. Maybe the TV Xref. Like all these little Xrefs in here, I wanted to select them and maybe move them around or change properties. Whatever that action may be, you just had to select these objects over and over and over…
