From the course: Cinema 4D Weekly

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Using connectors and dynamics

Using connectors and dynamics - CINEMA 4D Tutorial

From the course: Cinema 4D Weekly

Using connectors and dynamics

- [Instructor] Hello, and welcome to another Cinema 4D Weekly. This week we're going to get a little introduction to something called Connectors, and how we can use them to create fun, Dynamic animations without any key frames at all just like what you're seeing right now. All right, so here we are inside of Cinema 4D, and here's our little cog wheel that we're going to set up and make Dynamic. So let's first make this thing Dynamic. So, we're going to have this object react with real-world physics and kind of be able to be collided into and spun around, and rotate around just like in the example that I showed off the top. So to make this object Dynamic, I'm just going to go ahead, and since this object is made up of two objects here, I'm just going to go ahead and right-click the Cog Null. Go to Simulation Tags, and go to Rigid Body. And there's a couple important settings that I need to adjust to accommodate for…
