From the course: Cinema 4D: Dynamics

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One of the things I really like about Cinema 4D's dynamics is its close integration with MoGraph. Let me show you how simple it is. I'll create a cube, make it smaller, add a cloner, make the cube a child of the cloner, change the cloner mode to Good Array, activate render instances that will make the view port slightly faster, increase the number of clones, change the display settings, raise the cloner above the floor, add a floor, adjust the camera view, and now select the cloner and the floor. Right click to add a simulation tag and press play. You will see that the cloner behaves as one rigid object. But, if I select the rigid body on the cloner and go to the collision tab and change the inherit tag to Apply Tag to Children, and the individual elements to All. Look what happens. Every object becomes independent. You can still use MoGraph the same way you used to. For example, I can add other objects as clones. I can add effectors. Let me change the parameter: five, five, five. I…
